Southern California Mexican-American Golf Association
Letter from The President
Dear SCMAGA Members,
Congratulations and special thanks to our Board of Directors for their past and continuing effort in making the Association the viable and vibrant organization that it is. I also want to thank numerous committee members who help out throughout the year in the various events. And finally, but certainly not least, a special thanks and appreciation to all members who participate in our events and their own Chapter functions and serve in the leadership posts of their local Chapters. Membership participation at all levels is the key to growth and improvements in the Association. I am dedicated as your President to try to enhance and improve all our Association events in the coming years in order to have even more participation by all our great Chapters.
Our Championship Tournament in Palm Springs, as always will be the highlight of our Association's golf tournaments for the year during the Memorial Day weekend. Other events include the two-man scramble, the two-man best ball, and the Seniors Tournament later on in the year. As usual all members will receive information and entry forms through your Chapter President and Tournament Chairman.
Our base hotel for the Championship Tournament will be Embassy Suites. Hotel rooms are available to our members at very reasonable rates considering the time of year, the holiday weekend, the central location, and the excellent quality of the hotel. Members are urged to make reservations as early as possible and requesting SCMAGA rates